This Blog is written by my Friend, who hails from the USA, he mention here about what he gains from the case Roe v. Wade.
I urge you all to give a read to this with the hope that you all will like it.
"Hello again, it’s been a while since I’ve had anything put up on here but now I’m here! As you may have heard the US has decided to drop a ruling preventing individual states from completely making abortion illegal, at any stage in pregnancy. So now, we have all these southern, republican dominated states, making laws that make abortions as illegal, completely preventing an abortion at any state in pregnancy. Wanna know what this means? Well, now women can’t have complete autonomy over their own body, make the choices that are best suited for their own lives. Now, the person whom isn’t even alive, has rights over someone who is already in the waking world and actually has an impact to those around them.
For some context, there was a 10 year old girl who was raped and had gotten pregnant due to that, she currently was living in a state that limited the ability to have an abortion. Having a kid at that age, can be fatal for the mother not alone the impact that would have on someone so young, so to get said abortion she had to travel into another state and because of that conversations about new legislation has started. Legislation that would prevent women who are pregnant from traveling over state lines, this is horrific for many reasons. Why does someone have to travel just to get basic medical care, why do we care what someone else does with their own life as this child affect only one person – the mother? At a base level I find it hard to understand why we must have laws and legislation that only affects one person, but we have laws that allow you to carry firearms, things that are used to affect OTHER things besides one’s self. But that, is a conversation for another time…
To get back on track, there has been a phrase going around these more recent days, “Guns have more rights than women” in the US. Even if it is a bit extreme, I whole heartedly agree with it. Guns can be purchased by anyone with an ID (even earlier than your allowed to drink alcohol mind you) and depending on the state, without a background check. Where as a women, a living person, has less control over their own body than someone else has rights to weapons. Again, I have to stress, an unborn child only affects one person, the mother, so I can’t understand why there needs to be ANY form of regulation on abortions, people who are currently living hold precedent as they have a family that cares for them, people they know, where a UNBORN child has none of these things. So why control someone else when it doesn’t affect you?
do not have the right to control another person when their actions only affect
themselves and do not affect those around them, it is absurd to control someone
based on something that doesn’t even exist yet. I am appalled by the choices
the US supreme court has made, it feels like any progress we’ve made in the
last two decades is slipping away, what's next? Women’s rights to vote?"
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