This Blog is written by my Friend, who hails from the USA, he mention here about what he gains from the case Roe v. Wade. I urge you all to give a read to this with the hope that you all will like it. "Hello again, it’s been a while since I’ve had anything put up on here but now I’m here! As you may have heard the US has decided to drop a ruling preventing individual states from completely making abortion illegal, at any stage in pregnancy. So now, we have all these southern, republican dominated states, making laws that make abortions as illegal, completely preventing an abortion at any state in pregnancy. Wanna know what this means? Well, now women can’t have complete autonomy over their own body, make the choices that are best suited for their own lives. Now, the person whom isn’t even alive, has rights over someone who is already in the waking world and actually has an impact to those around them. For some context, there was a 10 year old girl who was raped and had gotten ... is the website where you will find short stories which will give you some sort of inspiration and will try to change society’s perception.